SVC Recovery Sub-Committee - Infrastructure, Waste and Environment


The role of the infrastructure, waste and environment sub-committee is to lead and coordinate the planning and implementation of the built environment and lead and coordinate the planning and implementation of the environmental recovery in terms of the ecosystem components of air, water, land and soil and plants and animals.

This includes:

  • Recovery of commercial and industry buildings and structures, physical infrastructure (including power, water, telecommunications, transport) and
  • Rebuilding of damaged council infrastructure. This infrastructure can be owned by a range of entities including; multinational companies, individuals, government and community groups.
  • Restoration of essential services during recovery may require temporary solutions and can also provide an opportunity to meet the needs of the future environment.
  • Clean up and remediation of fire affected properties
  • Waste management facilities and waste tracking
  • Land management for environmental and community outcomes (sediment and erosion control)
  • Support to the restoration of the natural flora and fauna


Chair & Deputy:

  • Clr Andrianna Benjamin
  • Clr John Larter

Snowy Valleys Council Recovery Committee Representative:

  • John Stanfield, Valmar

SVC Support:

  • Heinz Kausche, Executive Director Infrastructure