Pests and insects cause economic losses to agricultural production, pose an unacceptable risk of exotic disease, threaten the survival of native species, and cause environmental degradation.
In NSW, land managers are required to control declared pest species on their land in accordance with the Rural Lands Protection Act.
Species currently declared pests in NSW include:
- Wild Rabbits
- Wild Dogs
- Feral Pigs
- European Red Foxes
- Feral Camels
- Locusts (Australian Plague, Spur-Throated and Migratory species)
Local Land Services (LLS) can provide advice and assistance in the eradicating of declared pest species including wild dogs, rabbits and European red foxes. LLS also develop and implement initiatives to manage pests. For more information, visit their website or contact their offices.
Tumbarumba area – Murray Local Land Services
Phone: 1300 795 299, Email [email protected]
Tumut area – Riverina Local Land Services
Phone: (02) 6941 1400; Email: [email protected]