Local Environmental Plans
The Local Environmental Plan (LEP) is the legal planning document, which comprises documents and associated maps for Snowy Valleys Local Government Area and provides the rules and guidelines for the control of land (both private and public) through zoning. It aims to reduce possible conflict between adjoining land uses and ensures there is adequate land to meet the diverse needs of a viable region.
The LEP aims to reinforce the importance of the existing business districts, provide for a variety of residential uses across the city, as well as control development in the outer rural areas. In addition, the LEP fosters a considered approach to infrastructure, transport and community planning, as well as anticipating social and economic trends and the need to protect the environment.
Snowy Valleys Council is still operating with the former Tumbarumba Shire Council and Tumut Shire Council LEPs, which are available to view here:
Tumbarumba LEP 2010
Tumut LEP 2012