Council Meetings

Snowy Valleys Council is made up of nine publicly elected Councillors.  

Council meets at least once a month. Members of the public are welcome to attend Council meetings as observers.  Meetings are recorded and also streamed live on our youtube channel

Individuals wishing to address Council can do so at the Public Forum held immediately prior to the meeting. An application must be made in writing 48 hours before the meeting. Refer to the SVC Code of Meeting Practice for more details.

Code of Meeting Practice

All Council Meetings are governed by a code of meeting practices. The SVC Code of Meeting Practice provides details of the procedures and standards for the conduct of Council business at meetings.  Snowy Valleys Council Code of Meeting Practice(PDF, 805KB)

Agendas for monthly ordinary Council meetings, along with any extraordinary Council meetings, are available to the public prior to each meeting.

2024 Schedule of Ordinary Meeting Dates