Have My Say
The public exhibition process gives you the chance to have your say on important documents generated by Council such as strategies, policies, development plans and planning information.
Submissions received during the public exhibition period will be part of the report used by Council to inform decision making.
Hard copies of these documents are available for inspection at the customer service counters at Tumut (76 Capper Street) and Tumbarumba (Bridge Street) for at least 28 days from the date they were first made available.
Find out what documents are currently on exhibition
Persons wishing to make a submission in relation to Public Exhibition documentation should do so prior to the close of the exhibition period.
You can submit an online submission form from the link above or submit a written submission using the methods below:
Mail to:The Chief Executive Officer, Snowy Valleys Council, 76 Capper Street, Tumut NSW 2720
Email to:[email protected]
Deliver to:Snowy Valleys Council Customer Service
Bridge Street Tumbarumba or 76 Capper Street Tumut, from 8.30am – 4.30pm Monday to Friday.
Any questions relating to the Public Exhibition documentation may be referred to Council on 1300 275 782 (1300 ASK SVC).
Important information regarding your submission
Persons making written submissions are advised that any submission received within the submission period will be subject to the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act (PIPPA) and may be attached to the final report, in its entirety or in part, to Council unless explicitly requested by the person making the submission that they do not wish this to occur.