Citizenship Ceremonies

Snowy Valleys Council conducts citizenship ceremonies on behalf of the Australian Government as needed.  The ceremonies are usually held in conjunction with Ordinary Meetings of Council or to coincide with important national celebrations like Australia Day (January 26), and Australian Citizenship Day (September 17).  

Elements of a Citizenship Ceremony

Ceremonies are simple and dignified occasions. They can vary quite a bit but the main elements are:

  • Official welcome
  • An address by a special guest
  • The Pledge of Commitment to Australia
  • Presentation of certificates
  • Presentation of a gift to all new citizens
  • Australian Citizenship Affirmation by existing citizens
  • Singing of the national anthem, Advance Australia Fair

Attending a Citizenship Ceremony

  • Once your application has been approved, DHA will notify Council.
  • After Council has been notified by the DHA, you will be sent an invitation by mail containing all the information you will need to know.

Becoming an Australia Citizen

Choosing to become an Australian citizen demonstrates your personal loyalty and commitment to Australia and its people.

To become an Australian citizen, you must first apply for Australian citizenship through the Department of Home Affairs

Council has no role in the processing or determination of citizenship applications or holding of citizenship tests.  For enquiries and information on the status of your application, allocation and/or changes to ceremony dates, or to download an application kit contact the Department of Immigration and Border Protection’s Citizenship Information Line on 131 880 or visit the Department of Home Affairs website -