Pay my Rates and Water Notices

Payment Methods

You can pay your Rates in full each August or in quarterly installments:

  1. Payment in full by 31 August
  2. Quarterly instalments - due on 31 August, 30 November, 28 February and 31 May. 

Daily interest charges will accrue on any unpaid rates. 

2024-2025-revenue-policy(PDF, 4MB)

Water Notices are billed quarterly:

  • Q1 issued September; Q2 issued December; Q3 issued March; Q4 issued June

Need more time to pay? - Council has a Hardship Policy in place to provide an avenue for relief to those ratepayers who are experiencing genuine financial diffculties in paying their rates and charges. In addition, arrangements can be made with Council to help make your payments more manageable. Request financial hardship assistance

Direct Debit

Sign up for eNotices and pay your rates and water notices by direct debit

  • eNotices allows you to pay or set-up a reoccurring direct debit on your rates and water notices.  You can also self-manage all your properties, send notices to multiple email addresses, and print off additional copies.
  • Signing up will also let you login to view your notices online at any time!
  • Sign up to eNotices to get your rates notices electronically

Tips to setting up your direct debit(PDF, 254KB)

Credit Card

Step 1.Pay over the internet with your credit card


Step 2.Pay by phone with your Mastercard or Visacard

The phone payment line is a 24 hour service. Calls are charged at the cost of a local call (mobiles extra). Phone: 1300 276 468

Or Call our Customer Service Team to pay by phone with your Mastercard or Visacard during business hours  Phone: 1300 275 782 (1300 ASK SVC)

Step 3.BPay

To use BPAY or BPAY View online you need to register for Internet banking with your participating bank, credit union or building society.  Once registered, use the information on your bill to make your payment.

For more information visit the BPay website

In Person

Payments may be made at Council Offices; Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm (excluding public holidays):

  • Tumbarumba Office - Bridge Street, Tumbarumba
  • Tumut Office - 76 Capper Street, Tumut

Payments can also be made at:

  • SVC Libraries - in Adelong and Batlow during normal opening hours
  • Australia Post Counters - (Rates and Water Payments only) Customers can pay their bill in person at any Australian Post Office - cash, cheque or EFTPOS are available.
  • Post - Post Cheque or Money Orders (made payable to Snowy Valleys Council) post to:SVC, 76 Capper Street, Tumut, NSW 2720
  • Centrelink - Payments may be deducted from Centrelink benefits.  Please contact your Centrelink office or go to

Rate instalment due dates

  • Instalment 1/Payment in full                31 August 2024
  • Instalment 2                                         30 November 2024
  • Instalment 3                                         28 February 2025
  • Instalment 4                                         31 May 2025

Why do I pay rates?

Income from rates contributes to the costs to maintain and provide infrastructure, services and facilities within Council’s boundaries for the benefit of all residents and visitors to the Snowy Valleys.

Is Council’s income totally derived from Rates?

Income generated by rates makes up approximately 25% of Council’s total yearly income.

How can I apply for a pensioner concession?

You must hold a current Pensioner Concession Card or Department of Veterans Affairs Card issued by the Commonwealth Government.

For assistance with the Council Pensioner Concession Rates Rebate Application Form, call Council during business hours 1300 275 782 (1300 ASK SVC)

What if I am having diffculty paying my Rates?

Council has a Hardship Policy in place to provide an avenue for relief to those ratepayers who are experiencing genuine financial diffculties in paying their rates and charges.

In addition, arrangements can be made with Council to help make your payments more manageable.

Online request for Hardship Assistance


Water billing cycles

Council reads water metres quarterly. Water meter readings are undertaken one month before the bill issue date.

  • Quarter 1           Issued September
  • Quarter 2           Issued December
  • Quarter 3           Issued March
  • Quarter 4           Issued June

Council highly recommends monitoring your own water usage on a regular basis.  Self-monitoring can help you to become more familiar with your property’s water usage requirements under varying conditions and help you to identify any changes.

Frequently Ask Questions

Q: How do I locate my meter?

Your meter is usually at the front of your property near the side boundary. It is usually above ground and may have a cover over it.

Q: How do I read my water meter?

The numbers shown on your bill are the black numbers on the meter, which show kilolitres. The red dials show litres. To see your water and activity use, read the meter before you start (e.g. watering the garden) then read it again afterwards and the difference between the two numbers is the consumption.

Q: I don't think I have used as much water as my bill states. What can I do?

  • Firstly, compare the current reading on the account with what your meter is reading now (black dials only).
  • If the read on the meter is lower, contact our Customer Service Team to have it checked and corrected.
  • If the read is the same or higher, check your property for leaks. The internal plumbing from the water meter is the owner’s responsibility so if you discover a leak contact a plumber to locate and repair it asap.

Checking for leaks

Method 1

  • Make sure all taps are turned off
  • Look at the dials on your water meter - If any of them are moving then you have a leak

Method 2

  • Take a reading last thing at night
  • Take a second reading the next morning
  • If no one has used any water overnight and the reading has changed, then you know there is a leak

Click here for more information on how to read your water meter

Q: How can I get a special meter read?

A Special Meter Read is when a meter is read and a certificate is issued stating what the water bill would be if issued on that day. This is used primarily for conveyancing purposes. Charges apply for meter reads and must be in writing with the fee paid.

Click here to make an online request for a special water reading.

If you would like to calculate the bill yourself, read the meter and contact our Customer Service Team for further assistance. P: 1300 ASK SVC (1300 275 782)  E: [email protected]

Property Number - Use this reference when enquiring or paying your account in person.

Valuation- This is the bare land value given to your property by the Valuer General.  Your ordinary land rates are calculated on this valuation.  The valuation date is when the current valuation was given. The Valuer General makes land valuations every three year.

Class - The category your property is classed in for rating purposes. Council has four class rating categories:

  • Residential
  • Farmland
  • Business
  • Mining

Ordinary <rate class> Rate - Amount of rates charged to the property (including the special rate variation). Rates are calculated on the value of your land, which is determined by the Valuer General, multiplied by a rate set in the dollar (ad valorem amount) set by Council.  

Ordinary <rate class> Rate Base - The base amount is a fixed amount and is the same for every property within the same rating category/class.

  • Council sets the rate each year. Detailed tables are provided in each year's Revenue Policy that shows base amounts and ad valorem rates for property categories across our region

Waste Access Charge – A fixed annual contribution to the operation of waste transfer stations facilities and community recycling centre operations. Also contributes to the cost of residential waste vouchers and special recycling programs like farmers silage collection and dealing with other problem waste. the waste access fee also contributes to public events (waste and recycling), waste disposal at the transfer stations, and special recycling collections and programs.

Water Access Charge – A fixed annual contribution to water treatment plant and maintenance of water connections/pipes. In accordance with s552 of the Local Government Act 1993, water access charges apply to land situated within 225m of a Council water main; this charge applies to the land, whether or not there is a service connection to the water main.

Sewer Access Charge – A fixed annual contribution to water treatment plant and maintenance of water connections/pipes. Sewerage access charges apply to land situated within 75m of a Council sewer main; this charge applies to the land, whether or not there is a service connection to the sewer main.

Other Charges: Your annual notice may also have additional charges depending on your individual property class rating including:

  • Domestic/commercial waste – an annual charge for the collection of your garbage bins
  • Stormwater Charge -
  • On site septic charge (OSSM) - The septic annual charge is an administration fee for managing the OSSM systems (septic tanks, aerated wastewater systems etc). All properties not connected to a Council sewerage system, require an approved OSSM system. The Local Government Act 1993 requires councils to regulate the installation, monitor the operation and keep a register of all OSSM systems within its local government area; this is important for public health reasons and for the protection of the environment.
  • Pensioner rebates  - Residential owner occupied rate payers who are pensioners can claim a concession on their rates. This is dependent on the annual charges on your notice. Apportioned based on your annual ordinary rates, domestic

If you have further questions concering your rates notice please call our Customer Service Team during business hours on 1300 275 782 (1300 ASK SVC) or email [email protected]



Why do I pay rates?

Income from rates is used to maintain and provide services and facilities for the total area within Council's boundaries. Rates are calculated on the value of your land which is determined by the Valuer General, and then a rate in the $ levy is applied to this value.

Is Council's income totally derived from Rates?

Income generated by rates makes up approximately 25% of Council's total yearly income.

How are my Rates calculated?

Rates are calculated on the value of your land which is determined by the Valuer General and a rate in the $ levy is applied to this value. Added to this are the fixed annual charges for sewerage and waste services to all areas where these services are supplied.

Are all levies the same?

Rate levies vary according to the category of the land: eg Residential, Business, Rural Residential or Farmland. The property's category is based on the primary use of the property.

What is rate pegging?

Rate pegging is the percentage limit by which Council may increase the total income it will receive from rates. The rate pegging percentage is set each year by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) on behalf of the State Government.

What is meant by Base and Ad Valorem rates?

The base amount is a fixed amount and is the same for every property within the same rating category.  Eg: Residential – 50% base rate.

The ad valorem amount is calculated by multiplying the rateable value of a property (which is set by Office of the Valuer General) by a rate set in the dollar by Council.   Council sets the rate each year.  This rate is shown on your Annual Rates notice.

Detailed tables are provided in each year's Revenue Policy that shows base amounts and ad valorem rates for property categories across our region. Planning and Reporting

Can my Rates increase by more than the limit allowed by the State Government?


The Rates paid by some rate ratepayers may increase, decrease or stay the same in regard to the rate peg % limit set by the Independent Pricing & Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) on behalf of the State Government each year. This will occur only as a result of a General Revaluation of all land values, which occurs every 3 years. (The determining factor is the land valuation on EACH individual property).

OR, if Council is successful in an application to IPART for a Special Rate Variation above the set Rate Peg % amount for that year, which can be effective for up to 7 years.

So why have my Rates increased and others decreased?

Land values generally increase over time. If the land values issued at the time of the General revaluation were used to generate Council’s Rate income at the rate in the dollar used for the previous year's calculations, then Council would raise more income than it is allowed.

In order to contain Council's income within the allowable limits, Council must reduce the rate in the dollar for each rating category. As the same rate in the dollar is then applied to each property within a rating category, the actual amount of rates payable is determined by the individual land valuation of the property.

As a result, due to the individual changes in Land Valuations for individual Ratepayers, some Ratepayers will experience variations in their Rates that will either increase, or decrease their rates for the first year after a General Revaluation.

If I have to pay more in rates will council be delivering more services? 

Overall the amount of rates Council collects will not increase due to a new ratings structure. Income generated by rates makes up approximately 25% of Council's total yearly income. Council will continue to maintain current service levels including programs for improving roads, trees and community spaces.

I don't agree with my land value. What can I do?

All enquiries relating to your land value should be directed to the Office of the Valuer General on 1800 110 038.

Click here to download the Land Value Fact Sheet(PDF, 78KB) or visit their website to learn more about the valuation of land.

How can I apply for a pensioner concession?

You will need to complete a pensioner concession application form.

You must hold a current Pensioner Concession Card or Department of Veterans Affairs Card issued by the Commonwealth Government.

You must also be the owner/occupier of the property the rate rebate application is for.

Search for the Council Pensioner Concession Rates Rebate Application Form via our Forms Page

What if I am having difficulty paying my Rates?

Arrangements can be made with Council to help make your payments more manageable.

Methods currently available are: Direct Debit, B-Pay and Centrelink Deductions and some employers offer payroll deductions (check with your employer).

Please phone Council to discuss your individual circumstances during business hours on 1300 275 782 (1300 ASK SVC)


The NSW Valuer General oversees the valuation system and issues details to property owners and local Councils.

'Your Land Value - Fact Sheet'(PDF, 78KB)

You can find out more via these video links:

How Does the mass valuation system work 

What is the valuer General

How does my land value affect my land tax

How does my land value affect my council rates 

For more information, visit the NSW Valuer General's website.