How Council Works
The powers and responsibilities of local councils are derived from the NSW Local Government Act which is administered by the NSW Government. The Local Government Act requires that councils are responsive to the needs, interests and aspirations of individuals and groups within their communities.
Councils have the power to raise revenue (partly through council rates), to maintain infrastructure and services, and to regulate activities like development. Councils can also impose penalties if local regulations are broken.
Democratically elected members make up Local Councils and are elected every four years, like all democratically elected governments in Australia,
The role of elected Councillors is to direct and control the affairs of Council, representing the interests of residents while providing leadership and guidance to the community. The majority of decisions are made at Council meetings, which are held each month. It is the mayor’s role to preside at these meetings and act as the public face of Council.
The daily management of the Council is the responsibility of the General Manager.