In essence the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework (IP&R) begins with the community’s aspirations for a period of at least 10 years – The Community Strategic Plan (CSP).
All other plans developed by council as part of the IP&R suite must reflect and support the implementation of the Community Strategic Plan.
The Framework includes a suite of integrated plans that set out a vision and goals and strategic actions to achieve them. It involves a reporting structure to communicate progress to council and the community as well as a structured timeline for review to ensure the goals and actions are still relevant.
At the end of each Council term a report is prepared for the community to examine what progress was made towards the achievement of outcomes identified in the Community Strategic Plan.
The Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) suite of documents includes Council's Community Strategic Plan; Long-Term Financial Plan; Resourcing Strategy (Asset Management Plan & Workforce Management Plan); Delivery Program; and a yearly Operational Plan and Operational Budget.
Snowy Valleys 2028 is our community’s long term plan for capturing the priorities and ideas of our people to create a better future for our region. It guides Council’s decisions and actions, and informs our ongoing reviews of services and our other numerous strategies.
The plan was formed by the contributions and conversations of more than one thousand community members of the Snowy Valleys, whether through survey, submission or one of many engagement activities that took place across towns, villages and communities.
Community Strategic Plan 2028 - Our Vision Our Future(PDF, 7MB)
The Delivery Program is the primary public planning document for Council’s proposed activities and the performance measures for the next four years. The Delivery Program incorporates the yearly Operational Plan which identifies the principle activities for Council from 1 July to 30 June each year.
2018-2021 SVC-Delivery-Program
2017-2018 Delivery Program incorporating the 17-18 Operational Plan
A new Operational Plan is developed each year and identifies the principle activities for Council annually from 1 July to 30 June. The Operational Plan is reviewed bi-annually and a report is prepared for the community on the performance targets identified and our achievements.
2021/22 SVC Operational Plan(PDF, 1MB)
2021/22 SVC Revenue Policy(PDF, 2MB)
2021 Financial Sustainability Plan(PDF, 572KB)
2020/21 SVC Operational Plan(PDF, 1MB)
2020-21 SVC Revenue Policy(PDF, 4MB)
2019-20 - SVC_Operational-Plan
2019-20 -SVC_Revenue-Policy
SVC Operational-Plan-2018-19
2017-2018 Delivery Program
Produced annually, the Operational Budget details Council’s planned income and expenditure over a twelve month period. It outlines the resources necessary to bring plans and strategies into fruition. This includes capital works programs, the provision of services and operational spending.
2021/2022 Operational Budget(PDF, 446KB)
2020/2021 Operational Budget(PDF, 708KB)
2019/2020 Operational Budget(PDF, 2MB)
2018/2019 Operational Budget
2017-2018 Operational Budget(PDF, 1MB)
The Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) is a tool that explores the long term impacts of Council's decisions, based on a set of assumptions (about areas where Council intends to reduce spending and/or increase revenues and so improve its financial sustainability).
2021-2022 Long Term Financial Plan(PDF, 853KB)
2020-2030 Long Term Financial Plan(PDF, 3MB)
2019-2020 Long Term Financial Plan
2018-28 Long Term Financial Plan
The Resourcing Strategy incorporates Council's Asset Management Plan and Workforce Management Plan
SVC Resourcing Strategy
Click here to access the current SVC Fees and Charges Schedule
Half Yearly Reporting
2020-21 SVC Half-Yearly Action and Project Update(PDF, 1MB)
2019-20 SVC Half-Yearly Action and Project Update(PDF, 8MB)
2018-19 SVC Half-Yearly Action and Project Update(PDF, 1MB)
Annual Reports
The Annual Report provides an overview of Snowy Valleys Council’s performance and activities throughout each year. The programs and activities detailed in these reports are based on objectives and performance targets identified in the Community Strategic Plan and Delivery Program
2019/2020 Annual Report(PDF, 8MB)
2018/2019 Annual Report(PDF, 4MB)
2017/2018 Annual Report(PDF, 3MB)
2016/2017 Annual Report(PDF, 1MB)
2017 Administrator End of Term Report(PDF, 9MB)
Financial Statements
The financial statements set out the financial performance, financial position & cash flows of Council for the financial year ended 30 June. The format of the financial statements is standard across all NSW Councils and complies with both the accounting & reporting requirements of Australian Accounting Standards and requirements as set down by the NSW Office of Local Government.
2019-2020 - Financial Statements - Snowy Valleys Council(PDF, 5MB)
2018-2019 Financial Statements - Snowy Valleys Council(PDF, 4MB)
2017-2018 Financial Statements - Snowy Valleys Council(PDF, 6MB)
2016-2017 Financial Statements - Snowy Valleys Council(PDF, 4MB)
2015-2016 Financial Statements (former Tumbarumba Shire Council)(PDF, 5MB)
2015-2016 Financial Statements (former Tumut Shire Council)(PDF, 4MB)