Council to apply for $2.97 million worth of funding

Published on 27 April 2018


Snowy Valleys Council is proposing to apply for $2.97 million in funding under round two of the NSW Government’s Stronger Country Communities program.

From a youth precinct redevelopment to local tennis court upgrades a priority order of sixteen community projects have been endorsed for funding applications.

Snowy Valleys Council Mayor James Hayes said projects submitted had to show evidence of delivering local infrastructure to improve the quality of life for people in regional NSW.

“We are impressed with the projects presented and believe they are best placed to receive funding in this round,” Clr Hayes said.

The first round of the Stronger Country Communities Fund allocated $100 million to community infrastructure such as playgrounds, town halls and recreation facilities.

In round one, Snowy Valleys Council received funding for the New Batlow Library ($1,000,000); Tumut Bull Paddock playing fields upgrade ($297,130); Tumbarumba pump track ($149,500) and Tumbarumba Sports Ground upgrade ($308,000).

In round two, the NSW Government will invest a total of $200 million into regional sports and amenity projects, either for building new community facilities or refurbishing existing ones.

“The projects presented were identified over the course of extended community consultation from as far back as January 2017 and are classed as shovel ready,” Clr Hayes said.

The projects to be applied for are listed below in priority order:

  1. Tumut Youth Precinct
  2. Adelonia Theatre
  3. Talbingo Walking Path
  4. Jingellic Showground
  5. Tumbarumba Swimming Pool
  6. Thomas Boyd Trackhead
  7. Adelong Showground
  8. Talbingo Tennis Courts
  9. Tumut Swimming Pool
  10. Tumut Rugby League Change Rooms
  11. Tumut Tennis Courts
  12. Tumbarumba Tennis Club
  13. Talbingo Country Club Disability Access
  14. Gilmore Hall Upgrade
  15. Tumut Golf Club
  16. Adelong Swimming Pool

Councillor Hayes said that Council used a range of guiding values in its decision making process.

“Alignment of projects with the community’s strategic priorities, previous funding already achieved and likelihood of the project to receive funds under other funding streams were just some of the principals guiding the decision making,” Clr Hayes said.

Council must ready and submit the funding applications to the NSW Government by 4 May 2018 and will be advised of successful applications in August.

For more information please contact Council’s Coordinator Community & Cultural Development Trudy Crawford on 6941 2542 or [email protected]

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