Tumut Floodplain Risk Management Committee
The Tumut Floodplain Risk Management Committee will provide advice, feedback and support to Council in developing, implementing and monitoring flood studies and floodplain risk management plans and associated projects.
The purpose of the committee is to:
- Assist Council to develop Floodplain Risk Management Plans studies and associated plans in accordance with the New South Wales Floodplain Development Manual and adopted guidelines.
- Monitor and evaluate the implementation of Floodplain Risk Management Plans
- Assist in the development of suitable strategies to address floodplain management issues, communication and access to flood information and education by community members.
- Develop a better understanding of floodplains and identify issues that may be required to be addressed through development of strategies, studies, plans or works.
The membership shall consist of:
- A maximum of two (2) Councillors, one of which will be elected as the Chair by the elected Council.
- Council staff from engineering / planning / environmental disciplines to service the committee and oversee the technical requirements of the study.
- Representatives from State Government Departments and Agencies including the Office of Environment and Heritage, State Emergency Services, Transport for New South Wales and the Department of Planning and Environment.
- One (1) Representative from the community with knowledge of historical flood behaviour in the catchment.
- One (1) representative from flood action groups or neighbourhood forum groups.
Guest are deemed necessary to:
- Provide specialist advice outside of the capabilities of the committee members (for example the Bureau of Meteorology).
- Sharing of experiences of flood impacts (for example local residents or businesses that have been impacted by floods.
Tumut Floodplain Risk Mangaement Committee Terms of Reference(PDF, 35KB)
Meeting Agendas & Minutes