SVC Recovery Sub-Committee - Donations and Disaster Relief


The role of the Donations and Disaster Relief sub-committee is to identify developing welfare needs due to the fire event and support ongoing welfare needs of the community.

Following an emergency event, people often want to donate goods to the disaster affected community. Unless there is a specific need, the public will always be encouraged to donate money in preference to donated goods. Donated goods are difficult to sort, store, distribute and manage and can divert recovery efforts. If left uncoordinated and unsupported, donations received can be not needed, of varying quality and can undermine the local economy.

Due to the organic nature of these activities occurring, there will likely be several local agencies receiving and distributing donated goods following an emergency. If this occurs, it is useful to establish a temporary working group for these agencies to meet face to face to share information about their activities and for those agencies to receive up to donate information about the recovery operation. The working group should ensure as much as possible a coordinated approach to managing donated goods, including consistent public messaging.

This process also needs to dovetail into supporting ongoing welfare needs of the community as well as developing welfare needs due to the fire event.


Chair & Deputy:

  • Clr Margaret Isselmann
  • Clr Cate Cross

Snowy Valleys Council Recovery Committee Representative:

  • Sam Machell

SVC Support:

Susanne Andres, SVC Chief Financial Officer 

Terms of Reference 

Click here to download the Donations and Disaster Relief sub-committee's Terms of Reference(PDF, 273KB)