Development Fees & Charges

Development Fee Calculator

Development fees are set by State legislation and not by Council. They may include other State fees such as NSW Planning Reform Levy (projects over $50,000) and Long Service Levy (projects over $25,000).

In addition to the Development fees, other fees may be required for separate approvals for items such as water or sewer connections, driveway, on-site sewage management, and solid fuel heaters.  

A fee calculator* is provided to assist those lodging an application for a proposed development or activity to estimate the applicable Council fees.

The fees for Development Application (DA), Construction Certificate (CC) and Complying Development Certificate (CDC) are calculated on the total value of the work, including labour, which will be verified at the time of lodgement.

*Fees are subject to annual review with any changes coming into force on the 1st July each year.

SVC DA Fees and Charges Calculator(XLSX, 23KB)

** Please note that any application submitted to the New South Wales Planning Portal prior to the 30 June in any financial year is subject to prelodgment and prescreening processes of Council. The applicable fee will be in accordance with the fees and charges of the financial year at the time that the application is formally accepted by Council and the date of payment of any fee. 


Other Contributions

Developer Contributions

In addition, certain types of development (for example, additional occupancies) are likely to require payment of Developer Contributions if they receive development consent. This money goes directly towards the provision of public infrastructure in the Shire.

Levy Contributions (Section 94)

Section 94 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, enables Council to levy a contribution from any development that will or is likely to require an increase in the provision of public services and facilities.  That contribution may be either in cash or in-kind and may be allocated to the cost of facilities and services already constructed in anticipation of demand.

Please refer to Council’s Fees and Charges Schedule or contact our Customer Service Team:

1300 ASK SVC (1300 275 782)  or [email protected]