Council Supports EPA Actions on Tumut Odour Issue

Published on 21 August 2023


Snowy Valleys Council supports the measures the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) has taken so far in response to the Tumut odour issues.

Mayor Ian Chaffey said that he was pleased that the EPA was onto it but acknowledged that the strong smell is still a significant issue.

“Council’s role is to represent the community and ensure that the issue stays top of mind with those involved until a solution is found,” Cr Chaffey said.

“I come regularly to Tumut from up in the hills and I think there’s only been once in the last month where have I not experienced the odour. If I were a resident that had to suffer that indignity on a regular basis I’d be wanting to know when it was going to stop.

“The EPA has got all the monitoring equipment out there at Gilmore and they’re putting considerable effort into trying to get on top of it, so that’s a positive sign.”

In their latest update, the EPA said they have required a landfill gas risk assessment to be completed by Tumut Waste Pty Ltd and restricted the volume and types of waste accepted at the Bellettes Landfill.

They say they are continuing daily inspections of the premises to monitor the works and undertaking odour surveys during the night and early morning.

Updates from the EPA are being included on Council’s website at

For any queries about the EPA’s investigation, please contact the 24-hour Environment Line on 131 555 or email [email protected]