Batlow Water Security (Concept Design) Project

  • Project typeConcept Design
  • Project value$632,800
The project

This project will develop a concept design for a new 50 Megalitre (ML) water storage facility to secure the water supply for the community of Batlow guided by the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) Regulatory Assurance Framework.

Why it's needed?

A secure yield study was undertaken for the Batlow water supply, which determined that the existing 138 ML storage dam at Kunama cannot meet Batlow's future water demands under drought conditions.

Government funding has enabled Snowy Valleys Council to partner with NSW Public Works to bring this project to a tender-ready stage.

Project Budget

This project is funded through a $300,000 grant from the NSW Government's Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW), along with a contribution from Council.

Project Status

After completing the concept design, the project will progress to the detailed design phase, followed by construction.