Community and Economic Profile
Council offers access to the .id economic profile, a valuable tool that can assist in understanding the area’s role within the broader economy, exploring opportunities, and making informed decisions.
These tools are used to give an accurate and up-to-date snapshot of the community and economic profiles of the region.The information presented is derived from official sources of information as well as Australia's leading economic modelers, NIEIR. The latest data from each series is always presented.
Community Profile
The Community Profile provides demographic analysis for the region and its suburbs based on results from Censuses of Population and Housing. The profile is updated with population estimates when the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) releases new figures.
Snowy Valleys Regional Summary
Economic Profile
The Economic Profile presents economic information of the Canberra Region Joint Organisation that displays the area's role within the broader economy with options to explore for economic development and promote the area's strengths.
Canberra Region Joint Organisation Area Economic Profile