Think Local This Christmas

Published on 26 October 2021

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Snowy Valleys residents are being encouraged to ‘Think Local First’ when doing their Christmas shopping this year.

Snowy Valleys Council is partnering with the Tumut and Tumbarumba Chambers of Commerce and the wider Snowy Valleys business community to run a campaign throughout November encouraging shoppers to spend locally.

Council’s Executive Director Community and Corporate Paul Holton said the Think Local campaign seeks to promote and shine a spotlight on the region’s small businesses and to remind shoppers to take the time to search out local options before choosing to travel to bigger centers.

“With covid travel restrictions easing it may be enticing for locals to head out of the Snowy Valleys to do their Christmas shopping and what we’re saying is before you do that, first explore what local businesses have to offer,” said Mr Holton.

Tumut and Tumbarumba Chambers of Commerce presidents Natalie Randall and Maria Anderson are pleased to be supporting the campaign, saying every dollar spent locally contributes to the region’s business community and enhances local employment opportunities.

The Snowy Valleys Think Local First campaign will launch in November as preparations begin for the festive season, championing and celebrating choosing local small businesses for Christmas shopping.

Each week during November Council will share social media posts devoted to different categories inviting businesses to tag themselves and encouraging shoppers to share information about their favourite retailers in the comments.

The first week will be focus on decorations, week two on the outdoors and camping, week three will champion gift giving and week four will shine a light on food and drink providers.

The campaign will wrap up at the end of November with a list of local retailers who identify themselves during the promotion published to Council’s website.

Council is encouraging local businesses to get involved and support the campaign by engaging with Council’s social posts and utilising the Think Local Media Toolkit for their own content branding. 

Businesses wishing to get on board with the month-long promotion can do so by promoting the benefits of the Think Local First campaign with their stakeholders and clients and encouraging them to get involved, support and engage with the campaign.

For more information or to receive the Think Local First Media Toolkit please email Council’s Economic Development Officer Kayley Dickinson at [email protected].

Council will promote the Think Local First Campaign on SVC’s Facebook and Instagram platforms.