First Nations Liaison Committee
Join the committee!
We are seeking representation from people across the Snowy Valleys to join our First Nations Liaison Committee and contribute towards the long term strategic planning for First Nations peoples in the Snowy Valleys
Apply today using the nomination form - SVC committee nomination form(PDF, 58KB)
About the Committee
The purpose of the First Nations Liaison Committee is to ensure partnerships with First Nations organisations and community members to assist in the delivery of the Council's Delivery Program.
The focus of the Committee is on long-term strategic planning, with the outcome being recommendations for inclusion in Council’s Community Strategic Plan and its Delivery Program. Discussions should consider funding priorities, service levels and planning for a sustainable future.
Furthermore, First Nations Liaison Committee shall provide comment on indigenous matters, activities and functions in the community as presented in First Nations Liaison Committee reports.
First-Nations Liaison-Committee-Terms-of-Reference(PDF, 29KB)
Contact Details
Email: [email protected] Phone:1300 ASK SVC (1300 275 782)
Meeting Agendas & Minutes
Meetings will be held quarterly at 10.00am at locations within the Local Government Area of Snowy Valleys Council. To ensure ongoing accountability and accessibility meetings can be in person or via video link.
The First Nations Liaison Committee (previoulsy Aboriginal Liaison Committee) has been instrumental in identifying the needs of the Aboriginal community and supporting the following projects.
- Bila Park - The “Bila - Park – Gathering Place” project of a parkland sculpture aims to revere and respect the local Aboriginal history and culture, by telling the traditional story in artistic elements within the landscape site. The 'Gathering Place’ is located in parkland acquired by Tumut Shire Council in 2002 adjacent to the Tumut River bounded by Fitzroy, Merivale and Wynyard Streets in Tumut. The Gathering Place has a local and regional level of significance.
- Brungle Health Facility - The Brungle Health Facility was officially opened in June 2005. The Management Committee are citizens from the Aboriginal Community in Brungle.
- Shared Responsibility Agreement - Tumut Shire Council supported a Shared Responsibility Agreement between Tumut and Brungle Indigenous community and the Commonwealth of Australia through the Wagga Wagga Indigenous Coordination Centre. Council was the host employer for a CDEP training program that involved between three and seven workers at different times over a 6 month period.
- Feasibility Study for Aboriginal Cultural Centre - A feasibility study for the proposed Aboriginal Cultural Centre, to be situated at the corner of the Snowy Mountains Highway and Capper Street, was carried out in early 2005 by the Riverina Business Enterprise Centre. The project will require considerable finance to become a reality.
- Brungle Wastewater System - Works on the scheme was completed, in March 2007, with the exception of decommissioning of the old sewerage treatment plant.
- Brungle Water Augmentation Scheme - Officially opened by Minister Sartor in 2005