Green Caffeen
Green Caffeen is a swap and go reusable coffee cup system offered to local businesses in the Snowy Valleys to reduce single-use coffee cups.
Over 1 billion disposable coffee cups are sent to landfill each year. Green Caffeen aims to implement a program that reduces dependency on single-use coffee cups and reduce waste sent to landfill through offering a simple re-usable system.
Council has teamed up with Green Caffeen to provide participating cafes with reusable cups as an alternative to disposable single-use cups. This swap and go re-usable coffee cup system is a simple, safe and sustainable solution! For customers, it’s like borrowing a library book - free as long as they bring the cups back. For cafes, it’s saving money whilst also promoting good waste reduction behaviours.
Thirteen local cafes across they Snowy Valleys have already opted in:
- Adelong - Adelong Gold Rush Cafe
- Khancoban - Pickled Parrot Providore
- Tumbarumba - Dare to Bite, Nest Cafe
- Talbingo – Go Play Outside
- Tumut - Simply Wholesome, Bodhi Eshin (Tumut Valley Caravan Park), Kats Whiskers Cafe, The Coach House Kitchen, Riverside Cafe, K&T's Cafe, Tumut River Brewing Co and the Coffee Pedaler
How to participate as a business
Why should businesses participate?
Transitioning away from single-use coffee cups is good for business and good for the community. Here’s why:
- Saves money – single-use coffee cups cost around 30c, green Caffeen cups cost zero.
- Protects the environment - reduces waste sent to landfill and reduces litter in the environment.
- Join Australia’s largest swap and go reusable cup network, standing out as a conscious café
- Get ahead of the game – NSW Government has announced the introduction of legislation to phase out a range of single-use plastics, commencing with plastic straws and cutlery in 2022 and plastic cups within the next three years. For more information see the NSW Plastics Action Plan
How to Participate
Applications are now open for cafes to join and be part of the upcoming Snowy Valleys launch. Business can register their interest online now at
How to participate as a customer
Why should you care?
Green Caffeen is an easy and convenient way to break the habit of single-use by having reusable cups readily available.
How it works
- Download the Green Caffeen app.
- Sign up with a few details.
- Order a coffee at your local participating café and scan the code on the app. The café will make your coffee in a Green Caffeen cup the same way they would make a coffee in a single-use coffee cup.
- Next time return your cup (or cups) to any participating café and swap it for a fresh one.
Benefits to customers
- Green Caffeen app can be used at any participating café within Australia.
- Customers can have 2 cups checked out at once, so it’s no big deal if you forget to bring the cup back – you don’t need to resort to a single-use cup!
- Protect the environment by being a part of the solution to plastic pollution.
Is it Really FREE?
Green Caffeen follows a system like borrowing a library book – it is free as long as you bring it back. If a cup is not returned within 30 days, a late cup fee of $12.99 is applied to cover the cost of the cup. A reminder will be sent out through the app to ensure the cup is returned in time.