Aerodrome Committee

Join the committee!

We are seeking representation from interested people to join our Aerodrome Committee and contribute towards the long term strategic matters relating to the Tumut Aerodrome

Apply today using the nomination form - SVC committee nomination form(PDF, 58KB)


The Aerodrome Committee is an advisory committee to Council on strategic matters affecting Tumut Aerodrome.

More specifically, the committee will:

  • Provide a forum for discussion of strategic planning issues relevant to Tumut Aerodrome;
  • Provide appropriate advice and recommendations on strategic matters relevant to the Tumut Aerodrome.

Aerodrome-CommitteeTerms-of-Reference(PDF, 29KB)


Membership of the committee should consist of:

  • One (1) Councillor delegate, plus an alternate delegate.
  • Not less than three (3) and not more than twelve (12) voting members.
  • A staff member from Snowy Valleys Council shall perform the Secretariat duties for the Committee.

Contact Details

Email: [email protected]    Phone: 1300 275 782 (1300 ASK SVC)